The case for:
Girl robot's arm too fucking long
What was an ok drawing ruined by colouring it in. I can't fucking paint. It looks like I coloured in a picture from the Colouring Book of Robot Pictures With an Impotence Subtext.
The case against:
There's an ok drawing in there somewhere, which reminds me of the boy who wanted to be a 2000AD comic artist. Pissed off with that forearm, though.
Turd or triumph? YOU DECIDE.

You're the turd, you great big sweary fake-modest ass-hat. I think it's brilliant, I really do, and you know I wouldn't say that unless I felt compelled. I know you'll tell me I don't know anything about art again but you can get stuffed. And I'll tell you something else. The shapely chest of the female-seeming robot gave me a stiff. Crikey. I really need to do something about my penis.
(Thankfully, the glans-like beak puts me off, otherwise I would be typing this comment with one hand.)
The arm is a bit long, maybe you should just think of it as one of her special robot functions-it's not to long it's extendable. I'm thinking that the perspective just got away from you- it happens
The details are great...the colors could be better, they're a little paint by number looking... but with some hints of real possibility. Keep Trying.
This may sound weird- but my favorite part of the piece, aside from the lady hawk robot, is the left edge of the bed. The side with the caster- I think that was really well done.
betty: Aw shucks. *That's* how you do a compliment. Now, when you've quite finished glazing the place with spunk, perhaps you could BUY MILK.
selena: I was right with you on the extendable robot arm thing. It's a function not a failing. But yeah, painting by numbers.
It's a turd.
You know I'm kidding, don't you? I actually don't think you need anyone to tell you what's a turd and what isn't. You seem to know exactly what you need to work on.
I will say I would have gone with darker colours on this one... so navy blue instead of the sky blue and blood red instead of the pink, etc. Just a thought.
I love it, I love all of the work you've done on here actually, they're bleeding great and always get me thinking.
Well I like it. And I like the disturbing face. Reminds me of something from the Naked Lunch, somehow...
ani: for one tearful moment there I didn't think you *were* kidding, but then you said you were and I rejoiced. Agree with you regarding the colour. I was hoping the subjects would appear darker if the colours were more jaunty, but it didn't turn out that way. Curses!
Aiko: well thank you. With your permission and some judicious coding, I would like to make your comment the basic template for all future comments.
valerie: and in with a bullet with a Burroughs reference. I'm glad you like it because I now have enormous respect for your opinions.
Not Keith; you're most welcome, do what you wish with my words, your plan is a good 'un.
Aiko xxx
Well, definitely not a turd....
hmm, her calves creep me out, she looks like she can't walk in high heels. I know how she feels . I can't help but imagine a sort of robotic transvestitey Max Wall walk.
Who cares?
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