I cannot stress enough just how brilliant a decision it was to go to the Lake District last week. I have trench foot. I reckon that would be much harder to get somewhere sunny. Maybe not. I don't know.
I do know that I didn't manage to get any landscape drawing done. Prior to going, I rather whimsically envisaged myself sat beside a lake, sipping red wine and sketching hosts of golden daffodils. I know they're not in season, but you get the idea. The only time we managed to get out anywhere was for a rather miserable trudge round Windermere. The rest of the time was spent at what was basically an upmarket Butlins with trees.
It didn't strike me as Tilly's sort of place, and it certainly wasn't mine, but she got some sort of deal due to some sort of friend due to some sort of mutual backscratching exercise. Anyway, the place was like a fascist's vision of utopia, with great emphasis placed on physical jerks and bike riding. The car park was full of four-by-fours, and the clientele seemed to consist of professional types who had - to their eternal regret - saddled themselves with children. Typical sight: mid-forties man lagging slightly behind his younger, very pretty wife and their adorable pre-school age daughter, talking work stuff into his mobile.
I am officially in love. I know this because the words uppermost in my mind all week have been, "I told you it would fucking piss down all fucking week, you fucking arse", and I managed not to say them.

That's beautiful!
I almost used burberry in my second to last post.
I was this close.
Enjoyed this drawing. If you care to explain it a little, yeah. If no, then no.
Congrats on the new love!
Yay for you and Ms. Tilly!
Mrs. Hall
Is she hanging her head in shame because you are completely underdressed for 007's birthday party?
Um...'glad to hear you're in love, that's always nice, even when her name is Tilly.Sorry,I really don't wish to sound name-ist, but it does sound like such a silly, frilly name.
I hope your feet feel better soon x
Love is it now? Well, that's just peachy, and although it may not sound it, I do mean that most sincerely.
PS. I can hear you fucking.
selena and Mrs Hall: Thanks. As for explanations, well, it's not meant to be me and Tilly. I'm trying to be a bit like Hope Gangloff, but not make it so much about the beautiful people. How much of a wanker did I sound there? Go on, we're all friends here. Personally, I think it was A LOT.
amanda: Thanks for the good wishes, and I totally agree with you on the name thing. Stan sort of saddled me with it, and it's sufficiently unlike her real name to maintain a veneer of anonymity.
Betty: No you can't, I'm biting the pillow. But thanks, man. I owe it all to you.
Ohh, I can see that, sorta.
Even if you're not focusing on the "could have been a model, but instead- I shop at a thrift store and open budweiser bottles with my hands in a dive bar for tips-beautiful people look", shouldn't there at least be booze....I tinsy bit of alcohol?
Yes, that's what's missing-the booze. Oh, and more blue!!
The black doesn't 'PoP' enough on it's own.
RED, BLUE & BUDWEISER-(or *insert liquor name here*)
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