Friday 23 May 2008

Caption competition......

I should have done the cripple as merely thinking, not speaking. Bother. I am an arse.

Any takers?


La BĂȘte said...

This is not a very inspiring image, NotKeith. I'm afraid this is the best I could come up with:

Woman :: Yes. No. Look, I've got to go, I'm on a date with a crippled bloke who looks like Peter Beardsley...

Raspberry :: So, what are your hobbies? I used to like watching porn but I'm dead from the waist down now so there's no real point. Oh, God. Listen, either take me home and sit on my face or take me outside and push me in front of a train...

BenefitScroungingScum said...

I think it's fab! As for the cripple dating thing...I stopped breathing on a first date and turned blue instead. Only one experience of that kind needed to alter perspective on crip dating ;) Bendy Girl

Not Keith said...

Are you saying you died on a first date? Thats pretty offensive, bendy girl. Was there a second date?

Thanks, Stan. That's sweet. (I still think my caption was funnier.)